New analysis from Rightmove has revealed the most and least expensive cities in the UK for tenants to rent outside of London.
The findings show that St Albans is the most expensive city to rent outside London, with rents coming in on average at £2,307 per calendar month (pcm).
This contrasts the least expensive area, Carlisle at just £791 pcm – a staggering 41% lower than the national average.
Average Rent Outside of London
Now comes in at a record of £1,349 pcm, showing an annual rate of growth at 5% in the UK compared to last year.
Most Expensive
As above, St Albans came in top, however Oxford follows closely with rents averaging £2,237 pcm and then Cambridge at the third most expensive – £2,072 pcm on average advertised.

Least Expensive
Rightmove also released the list of the lower rents on average across the UK:

“The rental divide across Great Britain is clear, with an average difference of just over £1,500 between the most expensive and cheapest cities. Many of these cities have seen rental growth of over 40% over the past five years, meaning it’s likely to be a significant consideration when students are thinking about where to study, and those who have already graduated working out if they can afford to stay in that city and find a job.”
Rightmove’s Property Expert – Tim Bannister